Some of them says "the layers in the ice shows the age of the earth.They told there are so many layers in the ice(poles).Two layers form per year(winter,summer).So the age of the earth is millions of million years.But its not TRUE.
On during the world war a plane was missed and it landed on Greenland. Then after few years later they search the plane. They found it in green land. The exciting story in picture format….
Now the plane Under the ice.The following figure shows the plane position under ice...
Now the government want to rescue the plane.They propose a plan like below(cold mining).Put a hole in the ice and send workers through it to rescue the plane.
One of the man go through the hole named Bob cardin says as he saw many no of layers in the hole(not 96 layers in 48 years)
The following figure taken in the ice hole.It shows many no of layers formed in the ice.
To the small calculation to calculate the age of the earth using no of layers found in it.
see the real cap from plane crash is 48 years but the theoretical calculation( as per evolutionist theory) shows 1824 years its problem......